Invoice Number | INV-54549 |
Invoice Date | August 16, 2018 |
Total Due | $1,873.54 |
Hrs/Qty | Service | Rate/Price | Adjust | Sub Total |
3 | 10% Gelatin Joe Fit Torso "Gel only" |
$355.27 | 0% | $1,065.81 |
3 | 10% Gelatin Joe Fit Heads "Gel only" |
$110.63 | 0% | $331.89 |
1 | Custom Fee Put together the Joe Fit Head and Torso into one piece. |
$300.00 | 0% | $300.00 |
1 | FedEx Freight FedEx Freight Priority |
$175.84 | 0.00% | $175.84 |
Sub Total | $1,873.54 |
Tax | $0.00 |
Total Due | $1,873.54 |