- Ballistic Animals
- 10% Synthetic Ballistic Gelatin
- 20% Synthetic Ballistic Gelatin
- Ballistic Gelatin Dummies
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The two most common ballistic gel formulas are 10% and 20%, but what is the difference?
This number refers to the density of the ballistic gel. The density of a ballistic gel is determined by how firm the gel is. The higher the density of the gel the more firm the gel will be. 10% and 20% are the standard densities and are referred to by the percentage used to make a gel block. You might have heard of the FBI protocol for ballistics gel. The FBI ammunition testing protocol, first introduced after the 1986 Miami shootout, set up the use of 10% ballistic gelatin. So if you are using 10% ballistic gel, you are essentially using the same gel that the FBI does for all of their tests.
20% ballistics gel, however, is much harder because this gel is produced to NATO standards. NATO ballistic gelatin must be harder and denser because it is tested using only full metal jacket bullets (FMJ). With higher gelatin to water ratio, 20% is much denser and firmer.
Since both densities of ballistic gel mimic the basic properties of muscle tissue, they are both commonly used to test out different ammunition. Bullets intended for hunting are also widely tested. So which one should you be using?
The 10% FBI standard is the go-to for the FBI and other law enforcement agencies in testing terminal ballistics. This density is perfect for hobbyists, hunters, or different types of shooters. For most practical uses, the 10% ballistic gel should suffice. If you plan to test out higher-powered weapons, especially with full metal jacket bullets, you might opt for 20% ballistic gel. The end result will ultimately come down to personal preference on which one you want to use, although just keep in mind that the higher the percentage, the firmer the ballistics gel!
If you have ever considered purchasing some ballistics gel to test some of your ammunition correctly, you should not hesitate. Shooting into a big block of ballistic gel will not only give you some valuable information, but it is extremely fun as well! Both have their own advantages and disadvantages in the battle of 10% vs. 20% ballistic gel, but either one will be a great choice!
is a testing medium scientifically correlated to swine muscle tissue (which in turn is comparable to human muscle tissue), in which the effects of bullet wounds can be simulated. Click Here To See The Full Wikipedia On Ballistics Gelatin
The key to our cost saving synthetic ballistic gel is its re-usability. These processes are call melting and molding. These two processes are what propel us above everyone else. Pay close attention to all warning! It is paramount for your safety to heed these warnings during both the melt and the molding process. We have listed the warning first, and we will relist them where they apply in the process. Click Here to download your Remelting Instructions
Clear Ballistics created synthetic gelatin to replace any application where standard gelatin is used, excluding food applications where gelatin is consumed. Our synthetic gelatin is completely transparent, shelf stable from -10F / -23.3C thru 95 F / 35C, completely odorless & colorless, it is colorable from transparent to solid color, contains no organic materials, and can be exported to any country. Our synthetic gelatin originally intent was for terminal ballistic applications however, we found it has numerous other applications.
While our main product line is ordnance ballistics gelatin, we also offer ballistics gelatin for many industries in different gelatin replacement solutions. Our ballistics gelatin can come in different forms: finished and unfinished. All other products that we manufacture are accessories to our ballistics gelatin, such as molds for forming our gelatin, and we are proud that all of our products are made in the USA.
While our main focus is on designing and manufacturing of synthetic ballistic gelatin, we understand not every customers need can be fulfilled with a single product line or preformed size. Please contact us if you need any customization work done. We will customize anything we sell.