

110 Augusta Arbor Way
Greenville, SC 29605


Quote Number QUO-5461934361521341584
Quote Date February 11, 2020
Total $27,256.99
Department of Defence AU

2153 Melbourne-Lancefield Road
Monegeetta, VIC 3433

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
30 20x12x12 10% Ballistics Gel

Size: 20x12x12
Weight: 90lbs

6 20x12x12 mold

Mold Size: 20x12x12

3 Nc-700 Mold Release

NC-700 aerosol cans

1 FedEx AirFreight

Transit time is 6-9 days

Sub Total $27,256.99
Tax $0.00
Total $27,256.99

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