

110 Augusta Arbor Way
Greenville, SC 29605


Quote Number QUO-546193436152121
Quote Date August 6, 2019
Total $6,685.89
Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
3 420-07107

V = 256 cc
1lbs gel
1/2lbs silicone Mold
8hr 3D print time

3 420-07108

V = 5,645.2 cc
11lbs gel
9lbs Silicone Mold
168hr 3D print time

3 420-07109

V = 3,158.8 cc
6lbs gel
4lbs Silicone Mold
145hr 3D print time

3 420-07110

V = 1,562.7 cc
3lbs gel
1 1/2 lbs Silicone Mold
35hr 3D print time

3 420-07111

V = 718.3 cc
1lbs gel
1/2lbs Silicone Mold
24 3D print time

3 420-07112

V = 800 cc
1lbs gel
1/2lbs Silicone Mold
24hr 3D print time

3 420-07113

V = 1,575 cc
3lbs gel
1.5lbs Silicone Mold
48hr 3D print time

3 420-07114

V = 544.5 cc
1lbs gel
1/2lbs Silicone Mold
16hr 3D print time

1 3D Prints (All)

This Price includes the cost to 3d print all 8 parts.

1 FedEx Ground

Shipping Transit Time 5-6

Sub Total $6,685.89
Tax $0.00
Total $6,685.89

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