

110 Augusta Arbor Way
Greenville, SC 29605


Quote Number QUO-5461934361521341711
Quote Date April 20, 2021
Total $9,999.66
Nick Casey

Defensive Systems Unit
Ballistic Research Facility

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
1 Small Mold Tooling Fee

9D x 20L X 5W @ bottom - 6W @ top with Lip

34 Custom Clear Polycarbonate Tapered Mold w/ Lip

9D x 20L X 5W @ bottom - 6W @ top with Lip .375" thick

1 FedEx Freight Shipping $540.000.00%$540.00
Sub Total $9,999.66
Tax $0.00
Total $9,999.66

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