

110 Augusta Arbor Way
Greenville, SC 29605


Quote Number QUO-5462113
Quote Date November 22, 2022
Valid Until December 22, 2022
Total $713.67
Billing address
Tek Ferguson
12201 Montana Way
Amarillo, TX 79118
Shipping address
Tek Ferguson
12201 Montana Way
Amarillo, TX 79118
Hrs/Qty Service Rate/Price Sub Total
610% Ballistic Gelatin FBI Block$79.98$479.88
210% Ballistic Gelatin FBI Block$79.98$159.96
118 Quart Cooker$70.98$70.98
Shipping:$122.85 via UPS Ground
Payment method:Credit Card (Authorize.Net)


  1. Even rustic Adirondack chairs, the colorful Native American blankets and rugs of the Southwest, backyard furnishings from throughout the At­lantic, and early 19th-century porcelain china have found a place in nation style.

  2. Nonetheless, historians do know that the Xiongnu people’s fierce raids on China prompted the Qin emperor to call for development of the nice Wall.

  3. By 8:32 a.m. EDT, the storm system had moved into northwestern Pennsylvania, and the Storm Prediction Center (SPC) warned that because it progressed and encountered the hotter temperatures in the jap a part of the state, there was a higher risk of extreme weather.

  4. These have been additionally inherited from Virgin, a version of their Decalog brief story collections, and when the BBC ceased publishing them, a licence to continue was sought by Massive End Productions, who revealed some for a while.

  5. Your client may mention off-hand that they are really stressed-out about a particular project they are working on (even if it doesn’t relate to what you’re selling them).

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