

110 Augusta Arbor Way
Greenville, SC 29605


Quote Number QUO-54623052
Quote Date April 25, 2024
Valid Until May 25, 2024
Total $0.00
Billing address
Tim Harmsen
Military Arms Channel
5117 S 325 E
Star City, IN 46985
Shipping address
Tim Harmsen
Military Arms Channel
5117 S 325 E
Star City, IN 46985
Hrs/Qty Service Rate/Price Sub Total
110% Gel FBI Block$0.00$0.00
1Gel Rabbit 3-D Target$0.00$0.00
1Loaded Ballistic Ken Gel Bust$0.00$0.00
Shipping:UPSĀ® Ground


  1. One result of this scandal was that Arthur Andersen, then one of many five largest accountancy corporations worldwide, misplaced their ability to audit public companies, essentially killing off the firm.

  2. Studies have proven that from 1972 to 2006, stocks within the S&P 500 that do not pay dividends have earned an average annual return of 4.1; dividend stocks, however, have averaged a whopping 10.1 per yr.

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